Any Given Sin released a new song and video, "Still Sinking", July 22nd, 2022, and all indications are that this will be another hit for the Maryland-based hard rock band. This song is heavy musically, and will hold a deep meaning for anyone who is battling with inner demons.
The Any Given Sin lineup includes: Victor Ritchie (vocals); Mike Conner (guitar); Rich Stevenson (bass); and Mike Showalter (drums). The band signed with Mascot Records/Mascot Label Group in 2021.

“Still Sinking” is the first song released by the band since “Nothing For Christmas” in late 2021. The band has had much success with recent singles “Another Life” (2019) and “Insidious” (2020), both of which made it to number one on the SiriusXM Octane “BIG UNS” countdown. “Dynamite” (2018) and “The Way I Say Goodbye” (2021) also saw much success, and were played frequently on Octane and made it onto “BIG UNS” as well. “Still Sinking” was on the Octane Test Drive July 21st, and was added to the station’s regular rotation July 26th.
Most Any Given Sin songs start with Conner’s guitar riffs and Ritchie’s basic melody ideas. Most of the work is actually done in the studio, in consultation with producer Chris Dawson, as well as Jimmy Beattie, who often works with Dawson. According to the band, both Dawson and Beattie are wonderful writers. The music leads into the lyrics, which can be written anywhere from their producer’s back porch to a motel room. Most lyrics are written by Ritchie, with Conner adding some as well. The band shares that “it’s a magical feeling when writing. It all comes together so nicely.”
The topics of many Any Given Sin songs are “inner turmoil and the vices that we, as people living in these times, manifest within ourselves. These can include drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, not fitting in, and so on”. The overall meaning can definitely be up to the interpretation of the listener. In the case of “Still Sinking”, the main focus is the growing drug and alcohol issues many people deal with today.
The beginning of “Still Sinking” features what sounds like an electronic keyboard or synthesizer, then jumps right into the powerful guitar, bass, and drums. Ritchie’s soulful voice reflects the emotion behind the song’s meaning. The bridge features a stellar guitar solo by Conner.

The official music video for “Still Sinking” was shot on location in both Florida and Maryland. Jim Arbogast was the videographer and director. Cody Brinson (Florida), Jeremy Ponafala (Maryland), and René Hall were production assistants, and Daylon Muenzner was the model.
The concept for the video came from Mike Conner, and is like a mini movie highlighting the meaning behind “Still Sinking”. It tells the story of a woman who is in distress. She is drinking wine by herself in a kitchen, finishes off the bottle, and passes out on the floor holding an empty pill container. Later, she is driving on a bridge and stops and gets out of her car. She ponders jumping off the bridge into the water, which is a metaphor for her vices, alcohol and drug abuse. Those vices seem inescapable, like you have no control. Though the woman does succumb to those vices when she jumps, at the end of the video you see her emerging from the water. This symbolizes her prevailing and escaping her vices. There are also scenes incorporated in the video of the band playing the song in a church, which fits in nicely with the idea of asking for “sweet salvation”, a phrase that is repeated in the chorus.

Any Given Sin will be playing at Riverfest in Quincy, Illinois August 6th. August 20th the band will play at Northwoods Rock Rally in Glen Flora, Wisconsin. September 10th will be an appearance at Blue Ridge Rock Festival in Danville, Virginia. Any Given Sin is planning on releasing an album in early 2023, and there will be a tour in support of that album. You can find Any Given Sin on Facebook, Instagram, and the band's website.
<Annie Schlottman>